Vedic Astrology | Astrological & Spiritual Support


Listique’s Recommendation

Vedic Astrology has been an integral part of Indian society for thousands of years and can provide valuable insights into an individual's character, disposition, and future events. Jon, a Vedic Astrologer with over 35 years of experience, provides personalized and unique services to his clients. His real-life experiences have helped many individuals and business leaders navigate their way to success, making him a trusted advisor to the likes of Times Rich List, Foreign Royalty, and Premier League Football Tycoons.


About Vedic Astrology | Astrological & Spiritual Support

Vedic Astrology, also known as Hindu astrology, dates back to over 7000 B.C and utilizes a diagram of the positions of planets relative to the Earth and Sky based on the time and place of an individual's birth. Jon uses this ancient behavioral analysis and forecasting system to help his clients make the right decisions and achieve success in all areas of life. His services are highly personalized and tailored to the individual, with no algorithm-generated material focused on volume.

Get in touch with Vedic Astrology | Astrological & Spiritual Support