Sugaring London | Hair Removal Service

Listique’s Recommendation

What if we told you that there was a hair removal process that hurts less than waxing, gets rid of all unwanted body hair, can lead to hair reduction, reduces ingrown hairs and optimises the condition of your skin? Listique might just be about to make your day with the news of Sugaring London.


About Sugaring London | Hair Removal Service

Sugaring London’s stores are located in Notting Hill, King’s Cross and Shoreditch. ‘Sugaring’ was originally developed by the ancient Egyptians, and has been brought back by this company as an interesting cosmetic solution to for modern men and women to remove unwanted body hair. It involves the use of a combination of sugar, lemon and water to make a natural, vegan paste. It’s much less painful than waxing, and needless to say it is a way better option than shaving. Sugaring London’s dedicated beauty technicians will make every customer feel completely at ease from start to finish, getting rid of all unwanted body hair, from the eyebrows down to the toes.

Get in touch with Sugaring London | Hair Removal Service