Listique’s Recommendation
We know that finding the perfect nanny for your family is one of your highest priorities. However, it’s not always easy. It’s not uncommon to have experienced candidates that seemed promising in the beginning, but in the end, fell short of expectations. You want a nanny that’s not only perfect for your children, but perfect for the family unit as a whole. Kinder Nannies is the most trusted nanny agency in London, and will ensure that you don’t meet any timewasters. Their nanny and private staff consultants will work to find you your ideal nanny, through a stress-free, simple process, offering steadfast support throughout. Whatever your problem or query, Kinder Nannies are only ever a phone call away. Kinder Nannies don’t just make successful, long-term placements because it’s their job, but because they are truly passionate about what they do. Seeing a perfect match between a nanny and a client is what gives them their get-up-and-go, and we have utter confidence in their ability to make the right judgements in terms of capability, knowhow and character. If you’re also on the hunt for a capable, qualified staff member to work in your household, such as a Chef, Butler or Ladies Maid, Kinder Staff are the experts for you. Their private household staffing agency will be happy to help with whatever you need.